Monday, June 27, 2011


By Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer
ISBN 978-1-60142-348-1
Published by Multnomah
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Have you been waiting for Mr. Right, and wondering if he is going to ever come around? Are you tempted to settle for someone who might be “good enough” instead of waiting for God’s best choice for you to marry? Or do you keep looking for love, and finding that your ability to choose an appropriate partner is just a little bit “off”? If so, you might want to pick up PRAYING FOR YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer.

Gunn and Goyer have written a smart, entertaining guide for single women of all ages. Each chapter takes on a new issue in looking for a husband, and then there is room for journaling at the end of every chapter. Each chapter also is divided into wise words from each of the authors—and while they rarely disagree they often have differing perspectives. My favorite chapter is on “the list”, and the benefits and pitfalls of developing a list in what you are looking for in a future mate.

Many readers may dismiss a book written on future husbands written by romance novelists. Before I had this book in my hands I might have too. However, I believe this dismissal would be misguided. This is a fun book with helpful reminders to pray for and set godly standards in one’s dating life. It is well worth paying attention to.

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