Thursday, October 27, 2011

Battle of the Bulge: Feast day is not a feel good day

Every week I have a cheat day from my diet. On my cheat day I don't keep track of what I eat. Since it is a feast day, I eat a lot of my favorite foods that are forbidden every other day. There is just one problem with this. My body has become used to eating healthier.

I used to have a cast iron stomach. I could eat or drink lots of carbs, and not be affected at all, with the possible exception of bad gas. These days when I eat a lot of rich, restaurant prepared food I end up going to bed with a stomach ache, and my mood just tanks. I don't know why this is. In ways I am thankful for this change. In other ways I am disappointed. It is what it is. I just thought it was interesting.

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Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

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