Friday, November 25, 2011

Advent from Isaiah--Isaiah 2:1-5--CEB

Isaiah 2: 1-5  
1 This what Isaiah, Amoz’s son, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
 2 In the days to come 
   the mountain of the LORD’s house 
   will be the highest of the mountains. 
   It will be lifted above the hills; 
      peoples will stream to it. 
3 Many nations will go and say, 
“Come, let’s go up 
to the LORD’s mountain, 
   to the house of Jacob’s God 
      so that he may teach us his ways 
      and we may walk in God’s paths.” 
Instruction will come from Zion; 
   the LORD’s word from Jerusalem. 
4 God will judge between the nations, 
   and settle disputes 
   of mighty nations. 
Then they will beat 
their swords into iron plows 
   and their spears into pruning tools. 
Nation will not take up sword 
against nation; 
   they will no longer learn 
   how to make war.
 5 Come, house of Jacob, 
   let’s walk by the LORD’s light.

I am working through this text to preach on this Sunday. It is from the lectionary texts from last year. Thankfully, I have a few resources to work with, but I am still attempting to figure out this passage.

Here is what I have noticed so far:
  •  This passage seems to have a chiastic structure
    • Verse 1 and Verse 2 contain and invitation to come to the mountain of God and be led by Him
    • Verses 3a and 4 both speak concerning the nations
    • Verse 3b is the center of the chaism, and thus contains the theme of the whole passage. What is that theme? That we will be able to learn what God says and be able to live it!
What do you think? What do you see in the passage? What themes speak to you?

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