Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Compounds, Polygamy, and Me

Once again there is drama in my apartment complex. Actually, in the same building. This evening I discovered my neighbor is in the news. It was strange to see reporters looking for people who know her and wanting interviews.

Who would have thunk it?


Gretchen said...

What an odd story.... I'll be curious how this all turns out. Very strange. Weird to have the lady be a neighbor of your as well!

reliv4life said...

Wow! Makes me think of all the news stories you see, they always interview the neighbors, who say, "they were nice, quiet people that kept to themselves" ... :) guess we never know. By the way, have you rented Juno yet? Sean and I just watched it - he hadn't seen it, but really liked it a lot.

Book Review of Flyover Church: How Jesus' Ministry in Rural Places is Good News Everywhere

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