Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Book Lust

I have problem. Book lust. I love books. And, I do not just buy them to read, but also to collect. There are some books that I want that I have been looking at lately, but have not bought because they really have no current use to me, and I probably will not be needing them any time soon. Nevertheless, every time I am in a bookstore I lust after them. Since we are on the list thing lately, here are my top ten "hot" books that I am lusting after:

1.) Bill Bryson's A WALK IN THE WOODS

2.) FISH TALES to finish my collection of the FISH books


4.) PREACHING THE CHRISTIAN YEAR--YEARS A AND B (I already have C)--Craddock et al

5.) George MacDonald Scottish Highlands collection

6.) PHILOSOPHY IN THE FLESH by Lakoff et. al (also
metaphors we live by)

7.) BOOK OF THE DUN COW by Walter Wangerin

8.) COMMUNITY OF CHARACTER by Stanley Hauerwas

9.) DSM-IV

10.) LEVERAGE YOUR BEST, DITCH THE REST by Scott Blanchard et al



Anonymous said...

Wait. Did I see that DSM-IV is number 9 on your list? I think it is a first to hear of someone lusting after a disorder diagnostic manual.

Friar Tuck said...

Yes, I keep thinking I want DSM IV to look up stuff, but it is so darn expensive!!!!

I would probably then be diagnosing myself with unknown disorders then.

Michelle, it can be a problem when you keep buying books you do not need.

Gossip Cowgirl said...

I can categorically say that there is no such thing as a book you do not need.

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