Sunday, March 06, 2005

Quotes from PASTOR by Will Willimon

Teach me to seek you, and reveal yourself to me as I seek; for unless you instruct me I cannot seek You, and unless You reveal Yourself I cannot find you. Let me seek You in desiring You; let me desire You in seeking You. Let me find You in loving You,; Let me love you in finding You.--

Christians must be made, not born (204)

God delights in making a family where there once had been no people. (225)

we pastors tend toward the maintenance of stability rather than the expectation of conversion. (227)

Luther tended to stress the power of justification, whereas Calvin stressed the need for sanctification. (228)

much of pastoral overwork is a result of the disbelief in the relentlessness of Jesus. (239)

continuing conversion is always at the center of the church's agenda in any age

The community, in its coorperate life, is called to embody an alternative order that stands as a sign of God's redemptive purposes in the world (240).

It is the policy of the Devil to pursuade us that there is no devil.--
CS Lewis

We have forsaken charasmatic images of the church for bureaucratic ones--

We must rise above being a program-driven church to being a faith-forming community.

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