Thursday, May 04, 2006

Meme (tagged by Becca and Len--done on my space a couple of weeks ago)

I am not helpless or hopeless

I hurt when I feel rejected or alone

I love to laugh

I hate feeling looked down on judged

I hope everything comes together soon for this summer

I hear people say things that never come out of their mouth

I crave a kiss from a sexy woman

I cry alone (always alone)

I care about making the world a better place

I always brush my teeth before I go to bed (mom will be proud)

I long to be perfect

I feel that I feel more than I let on to others

I listen to music constantly

I hide a lot of myself that I dont want people to see

I drive to just relieve stress sometimes

I sing in the car really loud

I dance whenever I get the chance and am in the mood--but especially at weddings.

I write every day

I play on my laptop when i am bored

I miss being close to family

I search for all my options before I make decisions. To a fault

I feel trapped in my life a lot.

I know God is God and I am not

I fail more often than I succeed

I dream of writing a book that influences people for years to come

I sleep late whenever I can

I wonder if I will be in Colorado next year

I want to wake up next to a woman and have the first thing I see be her smile.

I worry I am stuck

I have the best mother in the world

I fight for everything I get

I wait for the next big thing in my life

I need to see as many of you fill out this little survey as possible


San Nakji said...

Nice answers Friar. I really wish you luck for this Summer. I know things are going to happen for you!

Erin said...

I wish you lived closer... I just got invited to a wedding, and I bet you would be a great "wedding date". You even dance...!

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Cool survey, if I'd had to guess who it was just by reading it I totally would have known it was you!

MZPEACH said...

this post makes me want to smile at my boyfriend more often in the morning. Great answers.

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