Friday, May 12, 2006

Now Reading....Following Jesus by NT Wright

Here are a few quotes:

God's exaltation of Jesus vindicates not only him and his cause, but his way; and that way is the way by which his followers to must walk.

Over against the love of power, the ascention of Jesus sets the power of love (103)

The victory of Jesus over evil in the world is not simply a fait accompli which could be disproved by the continuance of evil to this day. It is a victor waiting to be implemented through his followers (104)

It's tyrants that want to blow the world to bits, God wants to re-create it. (60)

I am convinced that...reading the Bible in little snippets--is a second-order activity; the primary activity ought to be reading the Bible in large chunks, to get its full flavor and thrust (xi)

1 comment:

see-through faith said...

When I was doing local preachers training we were instructed to read the Bible in great chunks. It was the best advice I'd got. I remember reading Isaiah in 3 days and loving it.

More recently I read the whole Bible in 90 days (link on the sidebar on my site) it was a hard slog at times and no easy feat (you need to set a minimum of 2 x 30 min chunks of time aside for 90 days, and that's if you are a fast reader.

but it was SO rewarding :)

I'd recommend it to anyone - whether you've read the Bible cover to cover before or not.

oh and I love Wright. He always makes me think and in such a beautiful way. Hope you enjoy the read. I haven't read that book (yet)

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