Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It is hard when your busiest time at work and the Olympics coincide. My wife finds it amusing that I get so wound up about women's gymnastics, and that I keep insisting that badminton can be a very active and exciting sport. That is especially the case when I start working on my floor routine or beam routine on teh way to the restroom as we are watching television.

This may sound strange, but one of the times I am most proud to be an American is when I watch the Olympics. One of the things that I am most proud about in our country is the diversity we have. In many other countries, most of their citizens look alike. We have Olympians with different roots from all over the country. It is neat to see faces with historic Asian, African, Latin, European, and North American influlence.


Aphra said...

I look forward to seeing you compete in 2012!

reliv4life said...

It is nice to hear a patriotic side in you! We have watched very little of the olympics with our trip...mostly snippets in the hotel late at night... I am sad about missing them.

rubyslipperlady said...

Can't wait to see your routine. Maybe a video from that new camera posted on your blog from that new computer?

The Olympics make me proud, too. Even from another country.

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