Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Saddleback Showdown

I enjoyed watching Rick Warren of Saddleback Church do his interview with the two main presidential candidates. Here are my observations:

On Barack Obama:

I think that Obama should be commended for going to a setting that was so clearly leaning in McCain's direction. Not very many other democrat party candidates would have done the interview, and even fewer would have done as well as Obama.

Many of Obama's answers were well answered in an intelligent and thoughtful manner. Some of them, however, were just plain long-winded. I think Obama got the "conversational spirit" of the event, and approached the event the way it should be approached. Evangelicals lean republican, but as an evangelical I think it is obvious that Obama seems more pallatable to evangelicals than folks like Gore and Kerry. He made it clear to hard line pro-life persons that he will not vote with them.

The strength of McCain's answers was that he was clear and concise. Americans like clear and concise. There were a lot of one word and two word answers, followed by further explainations. The weakness of McCain's appearance is that he seemed to be running upon his experiences 20-40 years ago, instead of offering a vision for the future. McCain solidified his pro-life bona fides.
It will be fun to see the two of them debate.


jecaad said...

Do you think they all planned to dress alike... Ummm, what are you wearing today Rick? Oh, not a hawaiian shirt!!

reliv4life said...

I enjoyed this a lot! I think I saw sides of both of them I had not seen before. I think in truth, they are both really good men - by good I mean upstanding, ethical, but I am still just not sure about either one as president...

NewJerseyJesus said...

Yes, Obama was longwinded and McCain was to the point. Nice post.

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