Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My Powerball Fantasies

Everytime the Powerball Lottery gets above 100 million my fantasy world goes on overdrive.

I start thinking about what it would be like if I won the lottery. What would I give away? What would I spend? What would it feel like to be out of debt? What could I give to my momma, my sis, my dad, my friends. I have fantasies of winning and paying off my car, and selling the car to the person who sold me the ticket for a dollar. I think about this for at least a half an hour or so, and it seems so real. (NOTE: This is a little bit dangerous if you are going shopping afterward)

Do any of you out there do the same thing.


SUPER said...

EVERY TIME! I'm like...God, I would do such great things with this money..even if I only won a portion of it. Why won't you let someone that will help others with it win?

Then I feel bad for even thinking that way...and pray all over again...asking for forgiveness.

San Nakji said...

Man, I so thought I was going to win our local lottery last Wednesday night. I didn't, but neither did anyone else. That means I get to do it all again!
No one deserves this more than me. Not need for guilt or forgiveness...

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