Saturday, December 17, 2005

Quotes from Rhythyms of the Inner Life

Resting is tied to trust (102)

instead of childlike trust, the reliance on God that can sustain us is a sturdy knowing trust (104)

Just as bightly lit streets dim our view of the Milky Way's sequined splendor, they also obscure our vision of God (107)


Drea Inspired said...

"instead of childlike trust, the reliance on God that can sustain us is a sturdy knowing trust"

ah, interesting

Fahd Mirza said...

Quote season, eh Friar?

But a very nice collection.

Anonymous said...

missing your own thoughts Friar to be honest.

at least tell us why you like or dislike something, why you quote

but mostly I want to read about yoru life, your journey with God

You have an ongoing story to share!

San Nakji said...

I do miss posts from you too Monsieur Friar. Although the quotes are always good. You didn't blog about the NFL! The week Indiana went down, Go Chargers!

rubyslipperlady said...

I'm struck by these. Trust and rest. That's so true. Sorry, work is calling...

rubyslipperlady said...

OK, also love the last quote about the city lights. How often do we (or I) let the 'bling' sidetrack us? Far too often, I'm afraid.

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