Watch a football game or a baseball game. You will see people making all sorts of signals that do not make sense to the naked eye. They will be grabbing their hats, rubbing their arms, scratching their private parts, stomping their feet, and more. And somebody is understanding all this talk. But I am not.
The same is pathetically true as single man trying to understand women. I want to communicate. I want to be able to read the signals right to understand where they are at with their thinking and their interest in me. I don't want to be a stalker, or an unwanted nuisance. I also don't want to be a spineless wimp that never makes a play for anyone. So I try to read signals, pick up hints, and figure out if someone is interested. I talk to female friends about it. And I always end up messing everything up.
These days there is the neighbor woman. She is single, never married, and the same age as I am. And she keeps handing me her phone number and telling me to call her and we will get coffee sometime. And she invites me to her singles group things. And she uses "we" talk sometimes in a way that sounds hopefully couplish. I am not sure I am interested in her.
What I am interested in hearing from you all is: how do you know when someone else is sending you "signals"? What is the key to understanding the signs.
I have.....explored whether something was developing from a friendship into something romantic with two people. I will not say much about it here since both of these people are both personal friends and blog buddies. But in both situations (the first exploration something I thought about for a long time, the second more something like "What is going on here?") I thought I might be recieving signals. The first I responded with a bold move (3 dozen roses) while the second I responded with a clearly communicated question (see above). Both situations, I even asked female friends/ this a hint? is this expressing interest? In both situations even female observers thought there were hints and possibilities.
One thing I have learned though. At my age, it does no good to be hinting in return. Have direct conversations and cut through the crud. Even if she seems evasive, that is an answer in itself.
Speaking of age. Age is another struggle in understanding the single life. Many life's goals have changed and morphed. One has stayed the same, I want to be married and have children. Ok...that is not completely true. I want to have children, but I am not big on infants. So once they are verbal, potty trained, and not mortally wounded when you drop them or step on them....then I want children. Infants and toddlers scare me. And there is a fear that I will massively screw up the parenting venture. But that is another story....
Anyway...when I start doing the math it does not seem like a big family is as much of a possibility. Right now, if I were to have a child, they would be graduating high school when I turned 50. And that would just be the first child. And....when you are logical about many good childbearing years does a woman that is my age have?
So I continue with solo living...which is kinda like living in a library. Only people talk in a library more. Some homes have a lot of hubub. Mine does not. And our office culture at the church I work at is not highly social either. Sometimes I feel like I am too social when I am around folks cause I make up for all the words I did not use the rest of the day. Which kind of freaks me out.
All the single people I knew as a young adult that were older...they had this single person's vibe about them. And although I really likes some of them, they creeped me out a little at the same time. Overly analytical. Overly judgemental, though benevolently so. I never wanted to turn out like them. I think I am turning out like a creepy single guy sometimes. Then throw in that I do kids stuff as a single guy....and we have a whole other set of issues.
Then there is the sex thing. As I commented on DRC's blog...I often feel like the almost 40 almost-virgin. And I do have multiple action figures in my office (if you dont get this watch the movie...the DVD came out this week).
Seriously though. Being single is one thing. Being single is a older church full of married people is another. Add to that being an introvert (although an outgoing one) and being overweight (though I am being on making limited progress with this) and it seems like I am hopelessly single and as a minister hopelessly celebate as well.
Strangely enough though, through it all, there are lots of things I enjoy about being single. Most of them are because I enjoy only having the responsibility of me...instead of a whole family.
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Ok, so I am remiss on doing any real original posts leading up to this holiday season. With a job change and a new baby on the way, as well ...
I like not having to answer to someone else and being able to come and go as I please.
I don't like trying to "see the future". Since, currently all I see is husband, no kids. I've always planned on being a mother and a damned good one! So, here I sit. Waiting...very unpatiently I might add.
All my MARRIED friends try to tell me...stop looking and that's when it will happen. SHUT UP! I don't want to hear your lame attempts of making me feel better..all it does is make me feel even more stupid for wanting something so badly.
So...for now, I'll continue to sit and wait unpatiently for the man of my dreams to come along and be smart enough to realize...I'm the woman of his dreams!
Clint, I may be way off here, but, I think most people don't deprive themselves of things they truly want. You may need to look within and ask yourself if a committed relationship...or whatever you say you seek... is really in your heart. Because, I think if it were, and particularly because you are a man, you wouldn't go without. Maybe you are really more comfortable in your singleness than you admit to, and feel pressured by society to be coupled.
Ramblings from my mind. . .
What is a signal to or from one is oblivious or innocence from or to another sometimes.
Sometimes it has been so long since someone (let's say me) has been on a date, we forget the fine art of not crossing a line from friendly friend flirt to just flirting and that leads to some misinterpreted signals. Doesn't make it OK, just that people (insert me) need to be more aware of it all.
While directness is sometimes hard, it is often the best to help clarify between the oblivious and innocence and misguided.
One thing that has so helped me in my single-state is surrounding myself with other singles that I know, trust and can share life and laughter with over and over.
There are some great things about being single. Everything is about me -- my decisions. Of course, that also means that things are my fault when they go wrong. However, I'm an extrovert and miss having someone around. At the same time, how much of this is the old adage "the grass is always greener?"
Again, some ramblings from my single mind . . .
Mate I have no idea how women and their mysterious signals work. No matter what Sarah says, I found that when I wasn't looking is exactly when I met Mrs San Nakji. But I think it works differently for different people.
As for the kids thing. You shouldn't be scared of babies. I have found that they are a warm up for toddlers and toddlers are practice for pre teens and pre teens are needed before you get teens... Basically babies are pretty easy to handle and a good start on the learning curve...
can you skip back over to stf
and explain your Zen comment. I didn't udnerstand it and I'd like to :)
How to interpret or recognize the signals from the women? A universal dilemma for us, the men.
I am 27 now and I have spent all the previous years finding the answer to this question.
Result? I never ever have a girl friend. I was interested in signals, where I should be interested in source of signals.
First before I read your post. I wanted to let you know that I truly appreciate the comment you left on my blog. It was very nice of you. Thanks so much. Very kind and nice words. You are so right. I am going to stop letting some of these people (men especially) take so much of my energy. My father always told me that. I always want to leave a comment on your site but I am so vulgar and bad sometimes. I don't think it is such a good idea. But I do read you and you are wonderful. I love your drawings Okay, let me read this post.
well I havn't been single for 17 years :) and being married is as traumatic as not being sometimes. In our church most of the people are singles in their 20s or early 30s - so actually it's easy to want to be part of their friendship groups, and can sometimes resent having to go home to my stroppy teeenagers and wonderful work- obsessed (at the moment) hubby !
as for signals - I think the ONLY thing you can do is risk being wrong. Make friends with people and do out and do fun things, movies, cinemas, iceskating, bookshop visits - whatever you like.
As a minister it's harder - becasue to date someone in your parish might complicate things, but it's not - ast least here - unheard of and the pastor of the free church which uses our premises here, just got engaged to a lovely young woman from his congregation etc etc.
Losing weight is good- though terribly hard weight. Not because it will make you more attractive, but becauase you'll live longer with that woman of your dreams. It pays too to learn to cook delicious nutritious meals- then you can cook for her :)
singleness doesn't have to be a curse - you can read late at night IN bed without disturbing the other.At my age that's one of hte things I miss. Ofcourse there are compensations too!
blessings and love,
that last post was me btw .. forgot to put my address !!!
I'll have to agree with what brother buck said.
Besides at least you're getting some hints from your neighbor woman! All I get is weird stares from neighbor kids!
I dont think there is a set formula to read signals. I believe men and women can never truly understand each other. But then, I guess that is where the charm of relationship lies.
Good luck with your attempts!
Whatever women want in a man, I ain't got it! But in spite of this I have been happily married for many years now. I could not imagine my life as anyway different than what it is right now. There were signals but I confess that most of them I never recognized. It did finally require commitment and at the right time.
How fun to read what everyone had to say on this one. Really enjoyed it!
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