Sunday, December 04, 2005

Renee Meme--may be a little bit of repeat from something previous

By the way if you have not picked up Renee's book Stumbling Toward need to.

NOTE: With so many of my other entries being about my faith and my mission in life..I will try and not say all the noble and super-spiritual Sunday School answers.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die
travel to a distant land
enjoy my 15 minutes of fame
spend all day making love to a woman
take a 2 week road trip without a plan or a map
get out of debt
have made a difference in someone's life
weigh what I did in high school

Seven Things I Cannot Do
Run a mile in under 6 minutes
Be perfect
Get a job at Super Target (hangs head in shame)
Be friends with someone without going through a stage where they really make me angry (except Shawn)
figure out anything mechanical with my car
find a woman to put up with me
stay really angry at my mom for more than a few hours

Seven Things that Attract Me to the Opposite Gender
That she thinks highly of me and sees more in me than I see myself
The way she carries herself (good grooming, confidence, quirkiness)
The way she laughs--especially if it is always laughing at how cute I am!
The way she smells (ahhh....the scent of a woman....boooya!)
Knowing when to call me on my crap and when to just empathize with me
Strangely, when she gets angry on my behalf and comes speaks out to support me
Breasts. I really like breasts. A lot.

Seven Things I Say Most Often
Cool! (I am getting mocked for this more and more0
What do YOU think about that?
(most recently followed by making church staff sing its hard to be humble)
Hey, can I show you something?
RRRRRRRRR! (while pounding fist on desk)

Seven Books (or series) I Love
The Life of Pi
Anything by Douglas Coupland
The Chosen and sequels by Chiam Potok
My little black joke book
Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
A Long Obiedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson
In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen

Seven Movies (or Series) I Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Third Miracle
the Matrix (the whole series....the last 2 are underrated)
The Tao of Steve
The Color Purple
Keeping the Faith (Jenna Elfman is HOT!!)
Forrest Gump
A River Runs Through It
(phew, I got through that without having to hang my head in shame for mentioning a chick flick.)

1 comment:

Drea Inspired said...

I like reading these! I think I may even do this one just because I need to fight the urge to blog about how excited I am about graduation for the next two weeks! LOL!

"Knowing when to call me on my crap and when to just empathize with me"

You said one then, Bubba. You said one then. When you can find someone who can walk the fine line between "keeping it real" and respecting your feelings, you've really found a good one!

Great post!

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