Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This was the page that was on my calandar when I came home from vacation in California...our secretary came in and changed it while I was gone...given recent events with my hair in my life I had to laugh Posted by Picasa


SUPER said...

Sometimes I feel like forbidding Amy and her hair from being near me. Afraid the weirdness will rub off. Nah..most days her hair looks great..but trust me..there are days...it's just plain scary! Christmas morning...2001 at my house in Liberal! RUN!

Friar Tuck said...


rubyslipperlady said...

No laughing at my hair, out loud or otherwise!

Do love the cartoon though.

Brotha Buck said...

I was curious what your coworkers said about your hair given some of the other things you've posted about them.

Brea said...

Lol - has the blonde grown on you??

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