Sunday, January 15, 2006

An Interesting Theological Observation

Tonight we were discussing the story where Jesus says that we must recieve the kingdom like a child.

One of the things that I thought of during the teaching time of our worship service I thought was a pretty keen observation. Where does Jesus get angry is Scripture? Jesus gets angry when people find ways to get in the way of other people getting to God. He turns over tables in the temple because the people in the temple were ripping people off, and getting in the way of them being able to worship God through charging movie theater prices for things within the church.

Jesus gets mad at the disciples for getting in between him and the children who are seeking him.

He gets angry at the Pharisees for putting up barriers between the people and God through legalism.

Whenever Jesus gets angry in Scripture, it is because other people are keeping seekers from God.

Anyway...something to think about. A warning to live by.

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