Saturday, February 11, 2006

Pressing on!

Hey there...if you don't feel overwhelmed in all your blog surfing, I encourage you to check out these links of our ordained church staff HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Ok, notice anything yet. Now look at my picture HERE. And remember that was 3 years and a few pounds ago. (I hate that picture!)

In case you have not noticed, when we look at the ordained staff at our church you will see that I am in a slightly different demographic. This is the case with a lot of ministers in our region. And although I strive to respect my elders, I must admit to you that this grieves me. It especially grieves me because it is representative our congregation, and our Region within our denomination.

This is not unique. I recently had an interview with another small church about an hour or two from here. As we were talking, one woman remarked that she "was the youth group". She was in her 50s. They average about 35 in worship. This is the case with several churches across our region. And the case with lots and lots of churches across the country.

In our denomination, I have just been asked to be on the Regional Board. For those who don't know, our denomination (American Baptist Churches) is divided into regional groups, which are further divided into areas or mission clusters. The Region I am currently a part of covers Colorado, one church in Utah, Wyoming, and the handful of churches we have in New Mexico (in areas where Southern Baptists were strong, we avoided planting a lot of churches in the name of Christian unity.). So I have been asked to be a part of the group that governs this section of our denomination. I am going to be there to add a "youthful" voice.

Our first meeting is THURS, FRI and SAT of next week in Denver. And I am preparing for a similar grieving process at this meeting. I am expecting a snowstorm! I am expecting a Q-TIP convention. In other words, I am expecting to be the youngest, and for most to be 20-40 years older than I am.

I am never sure what to say at these things. Because, if I say things that are too radical I alienate myself, and if I just sit idle and say nothing my blood pressure goes through the roof.

So once again I press on, hoping against hope to make a difference and change the world. Even if it is only in my little circles of influence.


see-through faith said...

first meeting? look and listen -observe and pray. Commit the BP to God and whne you get home pray more for a vision and a breakthough.

I'm 46 but have more in common with the youngsters than those who are my age or a bit older.

We have no oldies and I grieve them.

Anonymous said...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

Superstar Nic said...

Ahhhh…so you are there to add representation for the younger generation. Wow, I did not realize that you were an Ass. Pastor! Interesting.

I imagine that it can be awkward with everyone else there being so much older that you. It seems like many of your views would be different than theirs just because of the generation gap. Try not to be too anxious about it. I really think that the diversity in the group will lead to positive outcomes and decisions regarding your ministry.

Good luck on your trip!

feels good b n FREE said...

better is coming....
what about u??
what steps do you feel you need to take to be elevated to the next level in ministry and spirtually??

u know,nothing is forever...and when things become dull, lackluster, boring...or feel just plain ol' dead end it's then that we must evaluate and tap into our power source...listen for where He is guiding.

He knows the plans he has for you sweetie! plans to prosper you.
i know u know that...just wanted to lend some encouragement.

btw...that picture was cute. :)
it made me smile. you look like a big teddy bear...good 4 hugging. lol

Will De Hart said...


I thought it interesting that you have a woman pastor at your church. This is really great. I think that there is a huge tension coming to the body of Christ because of the "Women in ministry issue." We are not under the Law. There is too much to say to say here, but I think it's great as long as it doesn't bring division. I am a pastor in the Foursquare Denomination. I know how God worked through Aimee Semple McPherson. It's a no-brainer, God moves in mighty ways through the people of his choice.

rubyslipperlady said...

ummm, does she have a mullet?

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