Friday, February 17, 2006

Quotes from Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places

Time is a sacrament of eternity (110)—P.T. Forsyth

The other life then is the other life now (110)—P.T. Forsyth

Genesis accentuates the possibility of human access (through Sabbath keeping) to the inner rhythm of creation itself (110)—Levinson

The Exodus reason supports a life of believing in God—Sabbath-keeping is a way to get in on what God does, the Deuteronomy reason supports a life of love—Sabbath-keeping is a way to love your neighbor, a simple act of justice (111).

We make idols in our workplaces when we reduce all our relationships to functions that we can manage. We make idols in our workplaces when we reduce work to the dimension of our ego and control. (116)

Sabbath is not primarily about us or how it benefits us; it is about God and how God forms us. (117)

The men and women who are going to be most valuable to us in cultivating…wonder are most likely going to be people of the edge of respectability: the poor, the suffering and the rejected, poets and children (121).

But it is idolatry all the same—using God instead of worshipping God. (124)

Without wonder we approach life as a self-help project. We employ techniques; we analyze gifts and potentialities; we set goals and asses progress. Spiritual formation is reduced to cosmetics. (123)

We have become consumers of packaged spiritualities….God packaged as a product; God depersonalized and made available as a technique or program. The CHRISTIAN market for idols has never been more brisk or lucrative. (125)

History is lubricated by tears. Prayer, maybe most prayer…is accompanied by tears. (138).

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