Friday, May 20, 2005

Books I have finished since September

The Life of Pi by Martel

A Month of Sundays by Updike

Elanor Rigby by Coupland

Thoughts in Solitude--Merton

Renovation of the Heart--Willard

God is Closer than You Think--Ortberg

Plan B by Anne Lammott

Whore's Child--Richard Russo

Repenting of Religion--Boyd

What Happy People Know--Baker

Buck Naked Faith--Sandras

Real Sex--Winner

Soul Survivor--Pilvachi

Beyond the Box--Easum and Travis

Summonned to Lead--Sweet

Running on Empty--Anderson

Radical Reformission--Driscoll

Case for Creator--Student Edition--Strobel and Vogel

Volunteer Revolution--Hybels

The Barbarian Way--McManus

The Last Word and the Word After That--McLaren

Singles at the Crossroads (reread)--Hsu

The Cross and the Lotus--Zacharias

Jesus Drives me Crazy--Sweet

Life of the Beloved--Nouwen

Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport--Mouw

Leadership from Unlikely Voices--Fleming

Stumbling Toward Faith--Alston

In the Name of Jesus (reread)--Nouwen

The Living Reminder--Nouwen

Books still working through

Saint Thomas Aquinas--Chesterton

Aquinas for Armchair Theologians

Understanding the Koran

Reading Lolita in Tehran

The Rebel Angels by Roberston Davies

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places by Eugene Peterson

and several more......


Don Tate II said...

Wow, that is some reading list. Im a slow reader, so that list would take a couple years for me. So, are you understanding the Koran?

Friar Tuck said...

No not yet.

What is interesting to me are the intersecting points between Islam and Christianity. And the relationship between Aquinas, Aristotle and Islamic philosophers.

Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...