Monday, May 23, 2005

Top Nine Books on Leadership (so far)

In no particular order:

In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen--This is a life changing book that can be read in a little over an hour.

Contrarian Leadership by Sample--From the president of USC. Both creative and brilliant.

FISH--A tie for the best of the narrative management stuff. About creating positive moral in your life and the workplace.

Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson--The other good narrative management book. About adapting to change

Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels--An awesome book on leadership by one of America's most influential pastors

Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Blanchard et al.--This encapsulates the brilliance of the One Minute Manager and the Principles of Organizational Leadership by Blanchard in one short book

Primal Leadership Goleman et. al--About using emotional intelligence as a leader. Most of this is based on solid research.

The Heart of Change by John Kotter (this is the only one I have not completed)--The star of leadership of the Harvard Business School. My favorite book by him is the difference between a manager and a leader.

The Rule of St. Benedict
--A classic of a leader bringing order out of chaos in leadership

Honorable Mention: Because I have not read them yet

Good to Great--Collins
Becoming a Leader--Bennis
Spirital Leadership--Sanders

1 comment:

Steph Stanger said...

Henri Nouwen is my all time favorite author and that was the first book of his I ever read. It's short but super powerful, I read it in Jr high and it changed the way I saw and did ministry.

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