Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Why I am a pacifist

Well, I am coming out with one of my most controversial beliefs on my blog today, especially in the days of FOX NEWS and the like.

I am a pacifist.

Let me tell you why.

It is really quite simple. I believe the words of Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr.. I believe that love is stronger than hate.

I believe the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill" and Jesus said "Turn the other cheek". And I believe these words are as real today as they were when they are written.

Many people argue with me that this belief is not practical. That we would be attacked and run over by foriegn forces without a military. I don't know if that is true or not. As a believer in Jesus I am part of the Kingdom of God. That takes presedence over being an American, as thankful as I am for the blessings we have living here. Can I shoot an unbeliever, possibly condemining them to hell for eternity? Can I take up arms against a Christian brother or sister, who happens to be conscripted into an opposing millitary? I don't think I can.

Think what would happen if Christians would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the truth of the gospel instead of the interest of the government?

What if we aggressively supporting the persecuted Christians in the Darfur with aid and support, even if it cost us our lives?

The early church was pacifist until the time of Constantine, when the church became taken over by the government. It was pacifists (Quakers) who were most influencial in ending slavery and in maintaining the underground railroad. It was a belief in nonviolent resistence that liberated India from Great Britain, and that made the Civil Rights movement have its pursuasive moral authority to the nation as a whole.

So am I against what we are doing in Iraq? I dont know. I am a Christian before I am an American. And my Christian faith tells me to love my neighbor and to love my enemy, so I cannot participate in fighting. All I can say is--my role and my calling is in a different place.

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