Monday, February 06, 2006

Different Views on a Danish Cartoon: Let all voices be heard

There is a lot of talk in blogland about the picture of mohammed as a suicide bomber. On both sides of the issue people have been talking. I have a lot of visceral reactions to a lot of this that I won't post about, in part because I may end up regretting it later, and probably killed by an anoymous muslim blogger.

My sharpest responses are in Fahd's blog, who nearly claimed that terrorism was justified due to one man making such a cartoon.

All is all it makes me thing that groups like COEXIST are a pipe dream, and our future will end up more like what Samuel Huntington envisions.

Islamic responses
from Pakistan

from Ireland (read the comments as well in this one)

Angry reactions to Islamic violence (this has the item in protest)


Nabeel said...

nop .. Fahd is wrong .. terrorism isn't justified at all .. well terrorism isn't justified in anyway .. and well so are the cartoons .. they can't be justified ..

I have a very good argument about this whole ordeal .. if you do post your primordial reaction .. I think i can throw it off beam :) [my reasoning]

San Nakji said...

huntingdon is a clown. and not in a cool Krusty type of way.

Would you fight for Jesus though?

Friar Tuck said...

@sn--no. Unless I maybe had a personal direct from him in this regard, and if so I would question it strongly. But, I hate to be so confident on what I will do when I look at the lives of people like Bonhoeffer.

as for huntington...I am not sure his historical analysis is that far you disagree?

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

While the rioting is obviously out of line so are the cartoons. They are tacky and offensive and hardly worth all of this madness. Sure, freedom of speech allows us to be offensive, but is that a good enough reason? Paul says "Everything is permissable - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissable - but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." (1 Cor 10:23,24)

Fahd Mirza said...

Let Fahd say it clear and loud, if you please, Friar and Nabeel and other ladies/gentlemen.

I detested terrorism in all of its forms, I hate it and I will abhor it no matter what.

Friar, I never justified terrorism, no body can in his/her right mind. Its against humanity. Terrorizing the innocent people, who go about their usual daily lives is a sin beyond sane imagination.

Perhaps due to my own deprivation of putting it rightly, you misunderstood my last lines of the post or perhaps you missed the point.

The point is that I never considered American invasion of Iraq justified, because one person was hell bent on obstination. I never considered American invasion of Afghanistan justified because some people were hell bent on protecting the terrorists. If you read it carefully you will realize that what I was saying is that America didnt do any good to anyone by attacking others.

The gist of the post and my following comments was to ask just this:

Wasn't it an un-necessary and callous publication?

Friar, you need to read my post and comments once again.


San Nakji said...

Yes Friar, I strongly disagree with Huntingdon. Having written a paper on him for my MA, I feel safe enough in my own mind that he is wrong and has his own agenda.

As for terrorism. What is your definition here? Many would argue that Bush's crusade for democracy is terrorism and the tens of thousands of Iraqis who have died since the invasion are therefore victims of that which you abhore. Bush also claims that he takes directions from god. What's going on?

Fahd Mirza said...

San and Friar, its high time sanity prevails in all the camps.

Peace and love.

Friar Tuck said...

@Fahd--your last two sentences did justify terrorism. It said that because those pictures were taken that terrorists couldn't be blamed for what they did.

@SN--Bush feels he is informed by his Christian faith to determine what is just and unjust. But to say that he justified that the war in Iraq is a holy war, that is just propaganda by the anti-Christian left. People who support the war in Iraq believe it to be the right thing, a liberation akin to the liberation of Europe from the Nazis, but not a holy war per se.

I am not saying whether I agree with the decision or not. Not here at least.

Oricon Ailin said...

I think it was wrong of the person who drew the cartoons to go so far as they did. But, I don't think that the terror attacks in response was justified either. I mean, yes, it's fine to be angry and upset over it, but don't hurt innocent people who had nothing to do with the cartoons. What exactly did that accomplish??

And, as for fighting for Jesus, yes, I would. But I would fight with words, not by killing or harming others. I may speak up for what I believe in, but I do not resort to violence to prove a point. That is uncalled for.

We as Christians are called to love our neighbors as well as our enemies, not kill them.

San Nakji said...


What's your definition of terrorism please? I think it's important.

Also, I am a left winger, but I am not anti-Christian. I am anti Bush taking your lord's name in vain. It seems you are making sweeping judgements here...

Friar Tuck said...

"Why shouldnt some Muslim country attack Denmark, when US can attack Afghanistan? Our Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) is everything for us. We are nothing without him. We will not tolerate such acts by anyone."

This sounds like a justification to me.

Brotha Buck said...

This is one situation I do not understand. Personally, I think we are in for a long nasty situation that may never end in our lifetime. When people are killing, and rioting over a cartoon, what will happen when something serious happens.

feels good b n FREE said...

the thing that America is made of.

btw...I believe the terrorists are coming back for us all...and soon....cut it out already with those cartoons for we all end up blowed up!"

*confused laughter*

Anonymous said...

sad isn't it?

Fahd Mirza said...

Friar you are losing context by just mentioning the two lines. My recent posts perhaps clarifies the point more.

Lorna, yes altogether sad.

Gretchen said...

I just happened upon the comments. There is a lot of heat over here!
But it's good. I feel that all these thoughts need to come out in the light. And it's awesome to see the discussion going on because this is really what is needed!

The issue of the US going to war has to do with the devestating and surprising attack on Americans by Terrorists.
As the American President, Bush has the personal duty as the leader of our country to follow up on this travisty and that's what he's doing. I don't think anyone would have been able to make a different choice.

In the proccess some other things have been dealt with. The tyrant Hussain is now out of power. The military in Iraq is being formed and yes on the other side, there has been casualties as in any war, and that is truly sad.
Knowing this fact no country should support Terrorism and if there is even a little twinge that they are it better be put to rest quick!

This war isn't about Bush following through on a Holy Command. It's about saying that Terrorisim can't be tolorated.

The difficulty lies in the reality that Terrorism IS about religion. It spans different countries. There is no way to negotiate because they are acting in the name of Allah.
It needs to be fought against before MORE innocent people die.
It's so sad to me.

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