Friday, February 17, 2006

More (Re)Understanding Prayer Quotes by Kyle Lake

My fear: that 90% of our communication with God has become a cliché (65).

There are many particular ideas and practices within the Word-Faith theology, but what sets it apart from the mainstream is its shift of power, where God must dance to man’s attempts to manipulate the spiritual laws of the universe (81).

In the Old Testament, “heaven” or “the heavens” was not a distant place but the direct presence of God. (92).

God inhabits the space that surrounds our bodies. (94)

Prayer must become a way of life (103)

A single, central definition of prayer—any raising of the heart to God. (117).

Supernatural forms of communication were evident, but they weren’t the ideal form of communication between God and the individual (137).

In I Corinthians 13, the supernatural elements are downplayed in comparison to a continuous lifestyle of love (138).

Minute by minute direction of God does not encourage the normal, healthy growth of an individual. (146).

We must distinguish God’s speaking to us via our own thought process from chanelling. (151).

All pastors are fully human but not fully divine. There is only one Jesus. (151).

We play a substantial role in what happens. We just don’t control all of the outcomes. (155)

So after a prayer has been offered, the tragedy is to assume that all outcomes will be the will of God. What we seem to forget is that humans play a vital role in this process as well. (156)

God is NOT unresponsive like the pagan idols of the ancient world. (157)

Following in the way of Jesus, praying has never been the point of prayer. God has been the point.


rubyslipperlady said...

All pastors are fully human but not fully divine. There is only one Jesus. (151).

So true for all leaders and those following them to remember. The pressure from within and without is sometimes overwhelming and often unrealistic.

Prayer Quotes said...

Thanks for sharing like these prayer quotes. Great compilation.

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