Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Chandra mentioned that she felt I did not share pictures of myself very often. So, I decided to empty the picture file of personal pics I have kept over the last year.
Go ahead and look them over, and tell me which one you like best. The winner will be used as my profile pic for the next month. You may also vote for the new one down below, but anyone who knows me knows I am not necessarily a suit and tie guy so....

1. This is a picture in the Badlands this summer. My personal favorite.
2. Holding Amy's purse at the wedding I went to with her this summer
3. Me standing in the doorway of the old place when I moved here.
4. Church directory picture
5. Me at the wedding again. All of us at our table took pictures like this. Typical
stuff when you are with the Thompson family.


Superstar Nic said...

I like #1 the best!

SUPER said...

#1 or #5.

The Gig said...

Nice pictures -- thanks for sharing. I like number 4

Gretchen said...

Yeah I agree with the others either #1 or #5.
Fun picutres. =0)

rubyslipperlady said...

I would have to go with #5, seeing as how I'm the photographer of that one and come on - it's great! Color, character, depth and joy. How could you not?

Brea said...

Your personal favorite is also my favorite.

San Nakji said...

Definitely the last one! Go and dazzle Friar, yeah!

feels good b n FREE said...

u r just silly!!! lol @ # 5

but I'm luvin # 1

very nice!! thank u. :)

Nabeel said...

nice pics mate .. you look like a fun person

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