Thursday, February 23, 2006

Jesus's Questions

During Lent with our EDGE service, I have been working on looking at Jesus' questions, and then coming with an answer. Here are some of the questions after working through the gospels of John and Matthew. What ones do you think work best to build a discussion and a worship service around? Do you see some that fit together well?

Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?
You do not want to leave too, do you?
Have I not chosen you?
Do you understand what I have done for you?
Don't you know me?
Do you now believe?
Who is it you want?
Do you love me?
Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Shall I come and heal him?
Why are you so afraid?
Do you believe that I am able to do this?
How can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possesions without first tying up the strongman?
You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good?
Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?
Have you understood these things?
Why did you doubt?
Are you so dull?
How many loaves do you have?
Who do people say the son of man is?
How long shall I stay with you?
How long shall I put up with you?
What do you think?
WHy do you ask me about what is good?
Whose image is this, and whose inscription?
You betray me with a kiss?
Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your heart?


Kat said...

my thoughts on ones you could use together..."Do you love me? Why are you so afraid? Have I not chosen you?" i think too often, people don't hear the message of God's love for us...they hear more of the condemnation and judgment and rules and they miss the true center of God's character...his love. especially at this time of year where his sacrifice for us is celebrated and remembered.

Anonymous said...

back in Friarland :)

The question that leapt out at me was this one:

How long shall I put up with you?

because most of us don't know what unconditional love is - even in theory.

I guess that is what the others have said too.

it would be GREAT if you'd post some of the highlights of the discussion :)

be blessed

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