Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It has gotten cold and a little snowy here in the Springs. Only 4 more months until Spring!!! Posted by Picasa


San Nakji said...

It's getting hot here...

Anonymous said...

we have a long cold winter - now it's around zero and dark and grey, but soon I hope there will plenty of snow, and lights in the windows again.

I think pre winter is worse than winter itself, because of the dark, and the fact that we still have six more weeks of the days getting even shorter

but God uses all seasons - this one I think for me always pulls me closer to Him. I cannot coast in November, I realise that I need Him more than ever

It's it own way that's the beauty of NOvember, the hope that I find it Him

if that makes sense?

like the pics on your blog btw
the colours and the life they brought helped me even if the augustine quote was like an ow-eiii

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