Saturday, November 26, 2005

Quotes from Timbered Choir by Wendell Berry

Once the mind is reduced to the brain, then it falls within the grasp of the machine.

The body in the invisible
Familiar room accepts the gift
Of sleep, and for a while is still;
Instead of will, it lives by drift

In the great night that gathers up
The earth and sky. Slackened, unbent,
unwanting without fear of hope,
the body rests beyond intent.

Sleep in the prayer the body prays,
Breathing in unthought faith the Breath
that through our worry-wearied days
Preserves our rest and is our truth.

(Sabbath poems, 1990, V)

The seed in in the ground
Now we may rest
while darkness does its work

(Sabbath poems, 1991, V)


Deepa Bhasthi said...

nice quotes.
have you read hugh prather? great books, though not really religious.
am going to link you on my blog, very interesting blog you have!

The Gig said...

Yes, Clint, very nice quotes and deep. God Bless

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