Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another Friar Tuck Picture Posted by Picasa


Fahd Mirza said...

I dont think that tomorrow is your day off.

Rose said...

Interesting post. So you can draw...good job...

Brea said...

I immediately thought of Braveheart when I saw this drawing. Doesn't he look like a character that could be in that movie?

rubyslipperlady said...

That looks like an incredibly heavy cross to carry, which is perhaps symbolic...

Of course, finishing up my thesis puts me in a much more analytical mode.

MZPEACH said...

Have you every seen Jack and the Beanstalk. The Walt Disney version? That's who he looks like to me. You have lived in a lot of places. Do you know who George Breed is? The writer and author of Embodying the Warrior Spirit? He lives in Flagstaff. He always post beautiful pictures up. Flagstaff, looks like a beautiful place to live.

The Gig said...

What a picture. A cross and a dagger on the same outfit. :-)

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