Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another idea for making money

I have decided that I might be able to make money organizing THIS (click link)



San Nakji said...


SUPER said...

I have to tell ya, I've read an article about this and watched a special about it on tv. Freaks me out WAY too much.

rubyslipperlady said...

This is wrong and I'm disturbed after reading it. Reminds me of a bad CSI episode involving people in animal costumes.

Friar Tuck said...

@ Amy:
Actually it is in a forthcoming CSI:NY episode I discovered.

@ Sarah:
On the cuddle buddies website they also have adult footie PJs for the event.

I bet it freaks you out. You cant even use a strange restroom.

SUPER said...

Oooh..but adult footie pj's...not THAT is worth looking at. I still long for the days of R2D2 underoo's!

rubyslipperlady said...

UNDEROOS! Mine were Wonder Woman, and they rocked!

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