Sunday, November 13, 2005

Howard Thurman prayer

My ego is like a fortress
I have built its walls stone by stone
To hold out the invasion of the love of God

But I have stayed here long enough. There is light
Over the barriers. O my God--
The darkness of my house forgive
And overtake my soul.
I relax the barriers.
I abandon all that I think I am,
All that I hope to be,
All that I believe I posses.
I withdraw my grasping hand from the future,
And in the great silence of this moment,
I alertly rest my soul.

As a sea gull lays in the wind current,
So I lay myself into the Spirit of God.
My dearest human relationships,
My most precious dreams,
I surrender to his care.

All that I have called my own I give back.
All my favorite things
Which I would withhold in my storehouse
From his fearful tyranny,
I let go.
I give myself
Unto thee O my God. Amen.


feels good b n FREE said...


Brotha Buck said...

Very nice. Another Friar?

Friar Tuck said...

African-American Theologian that laid the foundation for the Civil Rights Movement.

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