Friday, November 04, 2005

Mafia-style mayor of Vegas?

The mayor of Vegas suggests graffiti artist should have thumbs cut off if they get caught vandalizing in his town. Check it out HERE


Brotha Buck said...

Someone suggested that American kids should be canned just as kids in Singapore, I think. Singapore doesn't have problem with teenage graffiti vandals. Hmmm, interesting thought, however I wouldn't want to live in Singapore either.

Brea said...

A bit extreme, just a bit.

SUPER said...

Graffiti irritates me, but that's ridiculous.
I like the cities that are taking those kids and giving them actual walls to use their graffiti art in a positive way. I think it allows them to grow artistically, but understand the difference between art and vandalism.
But..that's just my opinion.

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