Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quotes from Reimagining Spiritual Formation

From Doug Pagitt, pastor of Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis

"I am often struck by how many Christians think what they do and how they believe is so normal. To me the compelling part of the Kingdom call is its unusual nature, not that it is some run of the mill every day belief."--(53)

"Brokenness can cripple, but not when we allow others to come beside us and allow us to become whole"--(107)

"I used to think it was hypocritical for people to profess Christian belief and then not live up to it. In most cases, however, people are in a state of becoming, not a state of hypocrisy. Their profession is not a lie; it is a longing--not a statement of how things are but a pleading for how they want things to be." (119)

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