Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Currency of Love

Last night we had an interesting discussion.

One person said, "Sometimes I feel like God's love is too big for me. It is like I reach out to grab it and I cannot wrap my arms around it."

Another person said, "The fact that God and his love are bigger than me gives me comfort. If God were big enough to understand and comprehend he would big enough for me to manipulate, and I know that is exactly what I would do."

I chimed in, "Maybe God's love is not something that you try and grab a hold of, it is something you let flow through you. It is like standing in a river and letting the water flow past you, through you, and all around you. You can't grab a hold of it, the best you can do is flow with it."

I don't know if that made anyone else think, but it sure has made me think about God's love a little differently.


Gossip Cowgirl said...

Of course, me being the paranoid psycho that I am, I think "If God's love is a river, then that means I can drown in it. Or it can kill me." Yeah, see where I'm going with this?

I agree with the second comment more (from the three you listed) because I know I feel safe knowing that God is bigger than anything, like He can protect me always.

His love is a bonus, but safety is a big thing for me. I like the fact that knowing God makes me feel safe.

Friar Tuck said...

And I am little opposite of you with that I suppose.

Much like Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia, I dont think God is necessarily safe but his is good.

Gossip Cowgirl said...

God may not be safe, but I feel safe with him.

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