Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'd rather have two quarters

Ok a lame title for a rant against that marketing phenonmenon that is 50-cent.

I like rap, but this rapper drives me absolutely batty. I turned on MTV 2 late at night at the gym hoping to catch a few videos during my workout. Instead it was th G-UNIT POSSE on the spring break stuff. I screamed out in a loud burst of agony. NOT 50-CENT again. There he was, oggling all of the women, singing CANDY SHOP. Wasn't Headbangers Ball on about this time on the weekends?

Now I admit, his initial release had me hooked for a while, but subsequent releases as well as his biography have turned me adamantly against his music. Why? First, there is nothing redeemable about any of his music. Wheras with Eminem you can hear him coming from a honest and pure place, bearing his heart, you dont hear that with 50-cent. All is you hear is the "hump-me hump-me" crap stated to varying degrees of explicitness. That and he is still an active member and participant in his gang and their activities in New York, and unapologetically so. His music would have been out on Columbia Records a couple of years earlier if he would not have gotten his rear end shot several times...well his rear end and about half of the rest of his body.

Now, it is not have this element has not always been in rap, but much of rap was somewhat more defensible. Even Chris Rock in his most recent stand up offering for video from HBO said basically the same thing. (That he used to be able to defend rap, but it is getting harder and harder to have an intelligent arguement in favor of.)

Then it has come to me. I am just getting old. That is what I thought when I started watching the SPRING BREAK deal with all these teens jumping all around. I just dont get it...I AM TOO DAMN OLD.

So now if you will excuse me, I am going to listen to some Bel Biv Devoe, Tupac, and MC Hammer.


1 comment:

Don Tate II said...

Oh, I agree. I am not a 50-cent fan either. In fact, you know more than I because I couldn't name one song of his If I heard it. Maybe I shouldnt judge the music by the person, but something about his personna offended me early on, and I've never even gave him a try. And I'm not sorry, either.

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